ok, I never like to skip meal to lose weight. In fact I never have to put on diet to maintain my figure. I just born with slender, of course that also means slender in any other part as well - you know where I'm referring to lah. wtf.
If happen I need to lose weight, just skip a meal or two (I mean not long term), I could revert to the usual weight. I'm in the region of 48-49 kg always, and early this year I gained weight to 50 -51 (kg) which freak me out, I gained "muffins", "spare tyre", "michelin" , you name it.
Somehow the gain is a blessing in disguise, I think it actually make my overall figure look more balance!!! hmm..let me put things in the perspective, Before that I was a pear with really small top (like picture below) and now still a pear but with bigger top which doesn't make me look like a pear so apparent!! (Get it?)
If happen I need to lose weight, just skip a meal or two (I mean not long term), I could revert to the usual weight. I'm in the region of 48-49 kg always, and early this year I gained weight to 50 -51 (kg) which freak me out, I gained "muffins", "spare tyre", "michelin" , you name it.
Somehow the gain is a blessing in disguise, I think it actually make my overall figure look more balance!!! hmm..let me put things in the perspective, Before that I was a pear with really small top (like picture below) and now still a pear but with bigger top which doesn't make me look like a pear so apparent!! (Get it?)


Hmm..these pic still isn't really illustrate the gies of it, whatever it's, I feel good with these "muffin" :). However this muffin does real muffin job (grhhh), especially bending, sitting, protruding flesh really feel nasty. But overall it still doesn't really trigger the need to put on diet thought it would revert naturally (cause I thought I'm gifted lah).
So I waited and waited my weight remain in fact it shows a sign up increasing which kind of upseting. You know a skinny gal like me, any weight gain especially past 50!!! that's a big no no. Well, doc said I need to boost my immune system in order to gain good metabolism. What The Hell?? I was known to have high metabolism therefore the figure. Anyways, he's a doc, they know you best.
So I start consume supplement (which most of my fren started this at their early years), Surbex Zinc which consist of pretty good balance of vitamins. I drink fresh oranges (freshly squeeze, which mentioned in my previous post) every morning and on top of this exercise (which also mentioned in my previous post)....
After few months of effort..talang!! my weight has gone down below 50!!! dubeduhaha, dubeduhaha..
Just a KG down? What the fuck right? Does it needed to shout? ==..well woman, sigh!
I have stop taking tablets supplement due to factors mentioned in Blissful Morning. After went on orange juice diet, my weight has gone down to the state I wanted. Weeeeeeee!!
I have stop taking tablets supplement due to factors mentioned in Blissful Morning. After went on orange juice diet, my weight has gone down to the state I wanted. Weeeeeeee!!
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