Sunday 29 April 2012


I went marketing this morning, something drawn my attention whilst I was haggling over some fishballs (ha). A female cat with its baby sleep soundly right at the corner attached to the stall. I reckon kitten is a month old, milking from it's mom and fell asleep later. I also assume mother was too tired or didn't want to wake the baby so she fell as sleep as soon as the baby does.

Why do I dwelled so much about their sleep? Because it was beautiful. The female cat has dark patch on her sparkling white coated fur whilst the baby has the mixtures all over the body, the rhythm of breathing are consistent and calm (I used this technique to calm my baby to sleep), they sleep so soundly despite noise pollution in the market. I've never seen a stagnant breastfeeding session especially the female cat are very alert when the babies are around, in this case, both knocked out at most vulnerable state. You know cats have exellent hearing and very sensitive to sound. 
 Both mother and baby sleep soundly in the midst of breastfeeding

I bend over to appreciate the beautiful scene of motherhood (Yeah, I was quite free this morning actually, waiting for my daughter to get off from classes, so I sort of squandering my time here ><). They didn't awake by my move (of course I did it discreetly, dumb!). I would think maybe they have traveled far and got so tired especially the mother just gave birth to 3 (poor little mother has to stray on street).

Perhaps it has been awhile and the mother feels that she needs to take care the other baby, she stood up and walked to the otherside of the stall (she didn't bother that I was watching her, perhaps she is really tired). She licked the tiny small baby again and again, finally baby was awaken and she did the same chore. She's so redefined with lovely motherhood.

The vendor told me they consume residual from the fresh chicken/fish stall as source of food (I felt heartache, to me they are just like a beautiful family except they are not human, look at her loves for her babies awww). I had a whim to bring them home (My irreconsilable empathy arise ><).

'Lunch time, baby'

 Baby milking from its mother


Whilst breastfeeding the baby, she also upkeep herself deligently!!

Imagine if animal could love their child instinctively, what makes the human mother dump the baby away? Killing or Abusing? Some animal kill their own 'babies' like reptile (fish) but They-don't-abuse!! So does this analogy symbolize animal has distinctive sentiments than human? haha. Well. This post is not going to delve into intense topic like this. Below are images  of animal motherhood which I garnered from other website, it's so beautiful and warm. So sit back relax and enjoy. :) 

Animal Motherhoood Images via.

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