Tuesday 26 June 2012

Half Marathon

Standard Chartered KL Marathon, I touched the dot at 3:11 (Oh 'kiasu' a bit I started 13 mins after race was started, so technically my finished time is 2:58). Though it never been as good as those veterans which finished at 1: 39,  but I'm happy with my own result. Based on Marathon guideline, I think I meet the Moderate category. If you are Half Marathon Beginer or doing a long run, I hope my post help.

I've been to few short runs like 10/12km in the past and I always amazed with people could do half or full race. "Xiao" (it's Hokkien dialect means Crazy) Right? Their stamina and cardiology must be damn strong to take their body through such a long distance! Whilst your physical able to cope with the distance, psychologically (you noticed I always consider these both ends when coping with challenges), you need to overcome the plain long journey. So I never thought of I would even consider to participate...until one day (Yes-lah, that one day).

So this was my first half-marathon race, I was lack of confidence however I went ahead. You know again the Faith thing brought me through all hurdles for this race. My preparation involve 3 easy steps Research-Feedback-Do it.


There are plenty training schedule you could find from internet, get a schedule which is achievable. To prepare for half marathon I thought I must be able to do 10km or so and I was quite upset that I couldn't meet the training criteria (Later I found that those training schedule are meant for those who prepare to score at top ten category). So again, determine your objective. To me, I just want to overcome what I always wanted to do (Shrugs).

Do you even know why do we stretch our body strength or even putting a test on our mental limits?  It able to increase strength, stoicsm and confidence are areas that reap by Marathon runner. It also teach your body to make use from fat storage in the event glycogen are depleting (good news to women!!).


If you hardly excercise like me, to start off with regular exercise is fairly tough, at time you tend to lapse. I need to juggle time in between time for TT and training, at time I need to comfort her before I proceed for training in gymnasium at my club house. However once the target is set, I will spent my best endeavour without looking back (Scoff).

My training was fairly simple. I did 2-5km run each time on every alternate day. Simple right? You never have to train like  10-15km (non-stop). Hehe. Well. If you're a non-atheletes, run at own pace. Having said that 2-5km non-stop is a tough chore for a person who hardly exercise! Throughout 2 months training, below are my findings:

1. Never wear too many clothes as it might trap the heat in your body resulted slowing down your pace. I don't wear cap, towel or even wrist bands. I wear only sleeveless top and short pants.

2. Stretch first before and after training. Legs stretching is utmost important, it helps to relax your muscles. Relax muscle improved agility thus avoid cramp. i.e. when you need to increase speed.

3. Push yourself as much but not over limit. Back to your objective, do you want to run for fun or to the top. 1km non-stop was quite good as a starter, I later pushed to 4km and that's the max I could do.


               After a strenous work out ..

4. Go on a speed you could afford. I begin speed at 5.6 (treadmill) ends at 8.2 (treadmill). Never start off too fast each of your training

5. Breathing is very important. You start panting your heart rate reaches the maximum limit. It didn't take too long to find out that when you've long exhale and short inhale. A regular breathe in and out help to sustain a longer run. So take a deep breath when you're about to out of breath.

6. Do a bit of swimming help to improve your cardiology

7. Remember to stretch before and after exercise longer possible. Stretch means you  feeling real pull at your muscle.

 8. Get a running buddy, that help you with regular execise and keep up with your momentum. Below is my running buddy - Catherine Chong. She went half Marathon after the first time! Incredible woman, single and available (Grins). I also thank her for "teman" me into this crazy race!!

After many rounds of training and the never give up spirit, we made it!! Bravo!!~~

Preparing before Marathon

1. No training a day before the actual run
2. Eat plenty of carbohydrates as reserve for long run
3. Have light food and liquid before running
4. Avoid too much of water or food to avoid visiting toilet
5. Get some tight fitting or with high support running pants if budget is allowed

During the Marathon

1.  During moderate water and carbonated at each station. Remember you need to replenish what you've lost. But I drink mostly water.

2. Sponge up if need to. That will help to reduce the heat.

3. other than that, make use of what you've learnt from your training!! Breathing technique & speed management!!

 Give yourself some fire "Fighting!"

...............................................................and with that, I managed to get a satisfactory position. End of the day, I recover muscle sores within 3 days.

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