Thursday 19 January 2012

Before & After Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is controversial anywhere in the world, some hates it and some do like it but afraid to put the foot step in.

I don't against people who underwent plastic surgery but I, for now, and still against with this AGAINST NATURAL process. So in short - I against it lah.

One week ago, I come across about XiaXue, she's a renown blogger from Singapre, she is fun, nice and whatever you named it, her blog is favorable. I don't fancy about her blog but I was amazed with the new perspective about Plastic Surgery she brought to me. Thanks to her honesty and impressed upon her bold courage to share (well, perhaps she was being sponsored to do so ><, greater still, she shared the video^^.)

It was a plastic surgery on her -NOSE, the video clearly show where doctor begin the nose surgery from columella, then the nose was able to flip apart to insert the 'L' shape silicon where suppose to ENABLE a sharp looking nose (It shocked me by looking at it, it's so gross to see how doctor flip it apart as how slaughter slotting the pork) subsequently "ROAST" it in order to seal the silicon into the flesh, and yah, she smells ROAST PORK during the operation. ewww..(Well, I have to admit that I was naive as I never thought of how plastic surgery works and I had even consider to go for double eyelid surgery!!!)

Well talk these aside, I wonder would these people (who underwent plastic surgery) feel good? more confidence? Does it make them love themselves more? Well, I think it does to certain extend, however deep it their heart they KNEW that isn't their REAL SELF - It sounds funny right. I, AM NOT MYSELF!! In another word I'M FAKE.

Imagine with an UNNATURAL self, you need to be alert all the time to avoid the FIXED area being pushed or attacked and you're unable to do things like what most people could - for nose job example, you can't bend to check out your black heads, you can squeeze it to do cute little pig look, you can't dig, you're basically just like a life mannequine, no face expression, no joy!!

I couldn't imagine If I go through the pain and suffer from highly self-conscious to protect my FIXED nose!! I also might be self-doubt whenever people "checking me out", did they noticed I'm fake or I'm basically just attractive?

Well, my next question is does it also lead them to more plastic surgery since they are already "fake"? I think to certain extend, yes. If they could go through the pain point (pinpointed being fake, self declare to the people around them etc)  and enjoy the pleasurable returns (positive comments, positive lights etc)  higher chance are THEY WOULD GO FOR NEXT!! But no one tells us, why would Michael Jackson undergo nosejob over and over again. Does it carries side effect like - nose got broken down over years? Remember it was SILICON SEALED INTO FLESH job. No one tells me but in my magical intuitive says most probably yes, or you may research it and tells me later on.

Without knowing the physical side-effect, psychologically effect already turn me off. No, I rather stay tapered eyes HAHA, than going under knife.


I stumbled on this lady who underwent plastic surgery, can't recall her name, a professional model. This is how she look after plastic surgery in 2007 when she was 26 (I could be wrong about these references). Isn't it she look pretty? ;)

But wait. You might want to take note, other than few plastic surgery, there are few other fakes things on her like 'eye lashes', 'enlarge lenses'. Well she might be thinking maybe she really look good after plastic surgery? Well, wait till you see this and check out the video embeded also to see how wonder and magical can make ups do. Not all, of course photoshop does carry the effect as well.  

After you've read the post, scroll down here to see more^^

I seriously thinking to puke to see the how they put themselve in ordeal like this. She did few things on her face like nose, eye lid, cheek bone, lips filler and not all, if you notice dimple there, That is FAKE too!! (GASPS). Do you notice her nose is still bleeding? Oh well. Apparently She got paid to publicize her surgery..


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