Sunday 15 January 2012

Blissful Morning

My blissful morning is to have a glass of freeeeeeshly squeeeeeeeeze orange juice first thing in the morning, I think everyone shared the same vision. However a lot of time, washing and cleaning the juicer daunted our desire. I'm so right.

Here is my weird principal - I don't embark on things which carry no consistency. What's the point of having just 1 -2 times of fresh juice and given up later? That basically defeat the purpose of making juice at the first place right? Yes, I guess everyone of us are well aware of the benefits extracted from juices. The vitamins are essential to youthful skin and better immune system.

So getting fresh juices on my own, process must be easy and convenient. No, no gigantic juicer, that required lotsa washing and cleaning, plus it's heavy (oh! my hands will get tired and it's just too much of work) and required storage. So I opted for this.

A MANUAL Juicer!! It's so simple and easy to clean. With this I could squeeze and squeeze, (ok lah, usually up to 2 biji my hands would get tired too). Anyways for  1-2 persons consumption, this is basically do the job!!

To save energy, get a bigger orange which usually cost 2 bucks/piece (since I'm so familiar with this fruits seller, i got it 3 for 5 bucks!!). I get my fresh juice in each morning at less work and minimum time spent!

Weee..this is my happy morning - Healthy and delicious!!

Why I don't opt for tablets which contained higher elements of vitamin C? Well I heard a few versions so I taken aback:

1) You body couldn't absorb the vitamin without presence of other vitamins (So I was like Fuck it).

2) Your body would unable to absorb natural ingredient from food since so used to the chemicals supplements (well).

Single Mama note:  This is exceptional good choice for whom time is precious and limited. This simple and easy to use method keep your kid with healthy diet in the morning and minimise your time to clean and store!!! 


Whole fruits are always better than juice alone because juice contains lotsa sugar, whereas pulps give the vitamins you wanted and it only works (for orange) with the presence of fibre (Pulps produce fibre). 

After 2 months of supplement orange juice in my diet, I see a change in my body. Not only I feel more energise, better complexion, bowel movement. I guess overall it improved my metabolism thus leading to the chains of benefit.

My family has also notice the change in me - I got slimmer and healthier. So you must also start doing it today

Have a great morning^^

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