Thursday 19 April 2012

Survival Instincts

I read an article the other entitled "Death Defier". It leaves me with exclaimationwith goose pumps and given my inner greatest salutation towards these survivors.

What if you're in the situation of live or dead. 'Yes, no other options in between'.

Let me take you to the scene. You were in a yatch with a load of other passenger, a sudden wave smash the boat and capsized the boat in the middle of the ocean...When you awoke, you were the only survivor.

Question: "WHAT WOULD YOU DO?"

Let me take you further, some passengers die gruesomely, the wreck boat prick into them, some were drowned. Dead people everywhere.

"Do I have a survival skill?" Have you ever ask?  Nope, most of us don't. I don't.

You were terrified in the middle of the sea, dead body, dark, cold and fear, No food, no water. Are you going to just embrace death at that moment?


 "Well. I hardly take boat". You might be thinking and that's what I was thinking too. I can avoid taking boat.

Well, fine. I bet we'll travel in our life time. Just a methaphor, 'what if air plane crash?', 'what if you're the only survivor?', 'how do you survive till the rescue team?'

'Do you think you'll see yourself to the end?', or 'You think you can make it?', which one would you opted for?

Well this maybe something you never thought of - human possessed the survival instinct in a fatal circumtances.

But how much you could make it? Your courage to live occured only at near hopeless state? Sound scary huh? Do you know what is the catalyst of survive in the first place? How to overcome moment of despair?

Answer: It takes strong will power to live. I always believed when there is a will there is a way. The documentary testified the proverb  - you don't know how strong you're until be strong is the only option.

We've seen these ordeals from the movies, have you ever thought it happened in real details? How do they ACTUALLY SURVIVE?

Remember human basic needs - Food, Water & Shelter. These survivors strieve to live, and the instinct of surviving overcoming fear from things which never done in their life this include ate the dead body, seeing the friends' dead through the surviving journey.

October, 1972, an Uruguay Airforce Flight 571 carrying 45 passengers crashed into Andes at tens thousands feets height . Quarter passengers died upon crashing, another 8 died after swept of avalanche. 72 days in the andes before rescue team, a group of passenger clung to survive. They endured freezing cold -30 degree, attack of avalanche, ate dead body which preserved by snow, no shelter, no food. Things gotten them to despair when the rescue team canceled the search due to bad weather.

Another airplane crash survivor landed at Amazon rainforest, the only survivor, Juliane Koepcke. She survived through 10 days in the forest, all by herself only with little resources to fill her stomach. 10 days in the mystery, cold, quiet, dangers, darkness, one would horrified to dead through fear. Assuming fear could be overcome but what if wild animal attack? Crocodile? Tiger? Snake? Fire can be the detering tool, but do you know how to build the fire? Awesome! I don't know. I know the basic knowledge of igniting the fire haha. Frankily I bet I will be dead out of fear.

What if I stranded in a canyon all alone? what if I got pinned down by a boulder? Do I have the courage to amputate myself.....with a pen knife? Aron Ralston does. His story were recounted in the file 127 hours.

What if I got stucked in own car burried in snowdrift on a remote reforest track for months? Peter Skyllberg survived through 2 months until he has been found.

Other ordeal happened through mountaineering expedition, yatching, diving etc.

What impeded the way to survive? Emotion, Fear, Pain, inhibition (drink own urine, eat dead body). How do you overcome those? Essentially no one would have the clue until you are in the real scene, your survival instincts would lead you the way....

I still feeling horrific after reading the article and some research on my own...what if.... and these people do earned my respects versus those who take their life away with mundane reason.

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