Sunday 26 February 2012

Irreplaceable Lyrics

I'm going to ramble about something tonite, so you can give a pass for this post. haa. No, I didn't intend to blog so many songs, it just happen.

The phrase 'To The Left' extracted from 'Irreplaceable' by Beyonce. I use this phrase as my post title because it carries so much emotions beneath it than the original song title. haha. I like it. This a MUST WATCH MV^^.

To The Left To The Left
To The Left To The Left
To The Left To The Left

This song explicate her break up from a nasty relationship (I like it straightforward and simple). She spotted boyfriend cheatted on her crusing around with another gal in the car she bought.  

(Wow, she's cool!! She definitely deserve someone better. Hey she bought a car for him!! What a great deal!! Her generousity is undoubtedly yet the boy friend cheated on her - Well, this may not happening in the real world, who'll buy boyfriend a car right? at lest I can't afford loh. But I would like to think should you'd done your best in a relationship yet not being appreciated guess you should take a time-out.)

Watching this MV and lyrics has delighted my day, so amusing!! She was such a BITCH (in the MV) but GOOD BITCH, Beyonce is truely playing role as if she's the gal, she make me relate to it so damn much! haha. The entire song was so hillarious, she pushing him to move away the whole time!! haha (OMG! I am so relate to the song)

And keep talking that mess, that's fine
But could you walk and talk at the same time?
And it's my mine name that is on that tag
So remove your bags let me call you a cab

His sarcasm about she'll never find a man like him (which was a typical men's thought, what the heck!) but she never kowtow to crap like this, in fact that only make her decision more concrete. She determine to put the crap behind and move on with her life. What a bitch! haha.

Standing in the front yard telling me
How I'm such a fool, talking about
How I'll never ever find a man like you
You got me twisted
You must not know 'bout me
You must not know 'bout me

I can have another you by tomorrow
So don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable

Knowing he'll deny the truth and to avoid falling into his trump, she was so cool about her discovery, what a smart and confident woman. BRAVO!

So go ahead and get gone
And call up that chick and see if she's home
Oops, I bet ya thought that I didn't know
What did you think I was putting you out for?

Because you was untrue
Rolling her around in the car that I bought you
Baby you dropped them keys
Hurry up before your taxi leaves

This song does sound very similar to Rihana 'Take a Bow', but this version of cynical, bitchiness is definitely more entertaining.



  1. haha. you are so related to that song? pushing away all the mens?

  2. I'm able to relate to the song because I'm woman ;)



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