Saturday 17 March 2012


lol. I find it amusing to have a post title as 'FUCK'.

Well, it doesn't really mean FUCK as 'FUCK'. IT'S JUST A FIGURE OF SPEECH. lol. "What? figure of speech? Fuck you FarFarAway", you might be thinking. LOL

Never thought of I would be addicted to this word, ' FUCK!'.

I say 'Fuck', when someone overtake my car recklessly
I say 'Fuck', when I misplace something and need it urgently
I say 'Fuck', when I'm late for appointment
I say 'Fuck', when someone/thing is so awesome

The list go on and on. I just enjoy saying it something more expressive than 'OMG', 'shit','sux'!

One of my long time friend asked " Are you ok?" as he keep hearing me 'swear'. I said "I'm ok, I enjoy saying it, it's fun."^^

Ya, it's so fun to say something which you never said in your entire life (till recently -lah). Long time ago, I find it hmm...nasty each time people swear. It's somehow unpleasant (mostly guy friends) to swear in front of me but lately this word seem clinch into me (Hmm..Doesn't mean my guy friends can swear every damn thing now, but swearing for fun would be ok I 'GUESS'. Not very sure if I could handle if that happened but I definitely find it ok for me to swear LOL).

Mandy told me one of her friend include 70% foul language in his statement. Simple conversation like 'How are you doing' could become 'What the fuck are you doing these fucking days?' or 'Of course I'm fucking good' etc lol. It doesn't really mean to swear but when these words were added it has become whole lot of fun.

Well, sounded  hillarious though, but I haven't met anyone talking to me in this manner, most of time they will shut up or change into another word if accidentally slipped. I'm kind of skeptical If I could handle this, REALLY. lol.

Well like I said LORRRR, 'It's defintely OK for me to Swear, but you'. LOL 


1. "Does it gives bad influences to your kid?" I don't know. My dad swear the whole time but I never pick any of these until lately, neither my other siblings, we are the gud gud gals/ boys.

She does complain " Don't say these words", strictly. But that's my life. I can only tell her " You can't pick up these for now". haha 

2. "Does it affect your child in a long run?" I don't know, like I said My dad did it the whole time.

Take 'Tattoo' as an example, it used to be a taboo in the society, Asia especially. However look at the trend today, it's has transformed to be a fashion! You will be seen out-dated if you don't have one lol. Even office has began endorse it unofficially, parents at their 40s telling me they don't mind their kids having tattoo, what's more, they incline to have one too!! xoxo.

Anyways, life is too dull if you confine yourself to the standard of EVERYBODY DOES, you lose the fun of adventure.

So FUCK IT. lol. I don't know long how long I will retain this habit, but for now I'm enjoying ^^.



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