Thursday 12 April 2012

Car Accident

This entry might seem a bit mundane as I'm recounting time & date throughout the incident, but that's what I want you to take note, time & date.
What's in your mind when someone knock you from the the morning? Upset is the only response.
What do you do the moment you get down from the car..... ? Stare at the driver, of course ( you need to make him feel guilty for his wrong doing).
What if the driver feel very apologetic.....? Calm down (Ok, I don't have to act ^^)
What if he offer you his personal particular to ensure you can hold him for repayment......and let you possess his ID for verification?, cool!! This can be settled amicably.

NO!! The hell starts from this moment....


As I was rushing for an early morning meeting, we agreed to settle at a fee from my workshop, so we didn't lodge a police report. It was a long day for me, it was clocking 5pm when all my meetings were ended. I took some time off and rushed to the workshop (begging them to evaluate my car and request for certain claim details) only realized my driving license was expired (panic! of course making an insurance claim would be a problem).

Moral of the story 1: Renew your license on time? No!! Human nature - Blame the driver for the accident^^

Should I making a police report without a valid driving license, I'm subject to a penalty!! Since he is a newbie (1986!) ( I tried to convinced myself that I'm helping him instead), I offered him this:

"Since you're a fresh school leaver and I could tolerate with simple repair, I would like to offer you a 50% discount", I said confidently as if I do empathize on his financial condition.

"hmm...that's expensive. Let me get back to you in 5 mins". he said

5 mins later, sharp.

"I think it's still expensive, I could only afford 50% of what you offered." he said, good in haggling!!

"I don't think I can lower this much, see, I'm trying to help, if you still think this is too much, then that's too bad." I was bit impatient and upset.

"Yeah, my NCD doesn't seem to worth this much." He said, sounded honest. (Later I think again, that's so true!! How much of deduction for someone who bought a car for just...2 years?)

Moral of the story 2: When the driver is a young chap, you're doomed!! He has no cash to offer you at the scene neither his NCD would convince his back up (parents) to pay!! 

So we decided to make a police report for an insurance claim. It was 6pm, TRAFFIC JAMMED everywhere. I decided to go back home for a rest while waiting traffic to ease off. To make a claim I need :

a) Police report
b) Valid driving license
c) Copy of Car grant
d) Fill in the claim form (hell man, you need to draw out the scene!!Crap!)
d) If you don't possess item (b), find a replacement driver!!

We travelled to police station at 9pm, it was heavy rain, bumper-to-bumper, traffic moved as if it never move!! We endured for an hour before decided to head home. 11pm, we travel again to police station.

From lodging report to interview with sergeant and photograph the dented spot, it was past mid night. Tired and Sleepy. Fortunately the driver lodged the report as well. According to sergeant, you'll be doomed if the driver didn't show up. The summons letter would be sent however it might be like another summons you received (as usual we don't pay summons haha).

The next day morning, I took another time off (Stupid mechanic came at 9.30am luckily he was quite cute, so^^). Submitted the necessary document however car grant need to be udpated with latest roadtax renewal (Apparrently my agent didn't carry out his due diligent). I resumed at work at 10.30am.

Following week, I  managed to get agent to collect my car grant from bank only realized it was released last year! I got so panic!! Numerous calls back and forth amid my working hours ( I felt so bad over the unproductive day, I'm professional ok!) and finally found the grant left at parents home ( wasn't my fault but I won't tell you why it landed there). 

So I went to JPJ (The Malaysian Road Transport Department) the following day, another time off. Reached JPJ and only realized my grant was udpated but the photostat copy (apparently the photostat copy was past year!). Dumb! I scanned the copy and forward the updated grant to the cute mechanic.

Moral of the story 3: Get a dedicated insurance agent (professional advisory & support can be obtained)

So far I think problems being resolved and waiting for the spareparts delivery (my worries now is the police report doesn't has the photographer's details!!). Well, this is not ended, I would be carless for 2 days at least when I send it for final repair.

In summary of this car accident:

1. You travel intensively to make police report
2. Hectic schedule to complete documents for submision
3. 3- 4 time off distrupted your work
4. Time spent on numerous travellings, phone calls
5. Emotionally affected from panic, upset, stress

At the end of the day, you ask yourself, is that worth to spend all these hassles to make a claim?

Moral of the story 4: If you met an car accident and you're confident that you're not the wrong one, FUCK the driver first...regardless he's apologetic or not ==II.

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