Sunday 5 February 2012

Single Mama Manifesto II

I'm excited when writting this post.

What's the difference between Single Mother vs Single Mama? Single Mother perceived as weak, old-fashioned, dependant, skeptical etc. So what's Single Mama? It's New Revolution against the conventional Single Mother. of course.

Apart of the multiple single mother roles I witheld, I also ensure keeping up with personal development in order to give better nuturing in her growing path. This include knowledges, personal health, mindset, financial, beauty, dressing, outing/dating.

1. Knowledge - More readings on any literatures, grammar could be good too to ensure she speaks well, remember she pick up everything from you. History? I could share with her in our day-to-day conversation. Research on health regime to improve general knowledge, it would sound more convincing in my advises.

2. Personal Health -  Of course I'm contantly watching out my diet, because single mother couldn't afford to fall sick and you need plenty of energy to cope with her day-to-day needs.

3. Mind-set - Single mother expecially, you need to be in constant positive mind-set as it nourish your spirit and gives you energy. More so, positivities influence how your kid lead their life in the future

4. Financial - How to make more money whilst spending more time with kid when they could only depend on you? Again above-mentioned apply, brush up-health-positive. This may sound vague, but foundation apply. Everything else would go along your way. It amazed me how things fall into place when I cleared my mind with faith and positive spirit. 

5. Beauty - Beauty lies in what your mind conceiving. You appear stress if you're stress. So do something to delight your day TODAY than depending on others. Take care of own appearance, again this would have to include in your budget. However if you don't have the luxury, try to search my beauty tips for economical yet effective regime.

6. Dressing - You could still wear something eye-catchy but deem appropriate, remember you're SINGLE afterall. Do something to make you feel good!!!

7. Outing/Dating - Be sure you keep your social profile and network, afterall, this keep your soul alive and don't forget, YOU'RE SINGLE. Have some personal time, you need to discharge in order to recharge.

Today, I ask her what do I score in her MOTHER test, she said 200%. She likes the pretty, fun, loving, modern, open, positve MOTHER. She said no other mother like hers do ><.

Above all are my personal experience, perception and expectation. So you decide whether you want to be a Single Mother or Single Mama. 

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