Monday 6 February 2012

Children Trauma

During the Single mother journey, signs of her trauma shows. She had poor appetite. Either she eats extremely slow or she eats very little resulted got to throw the food away. No matter how I tell her the importance of eating, she still couldn't keep up with the normal pace of eating. She was very thin. She throws tandrums from time to time. She cries. Be mindful whilst I'm coping with the stress from my new chapter, she is also coping with the stress I release directly or indirectly from my cloging schedules. I know she needs more loves.

Remember I mentioned about I will embark on things only if  I have confidence to lead on? To minimize the stress she has to bear from me, there I develop the spirit of Single Mama. Aparently it works very well and it also led me to see the chain reaction - Positive minded - overcoming stresses, clearer minded to give what's needed by her and ultimately a Happy Child.

So what did I do to show the love she needs in order to improve her trauma? Very SIMPLE.

1. Smile to her whenever we talk - she loves this
2. Cuddle her whenever time is allow - she felt love with touches & kisses
3. Talk very softly with her - anything louder would consider arguing
4. Attend to her each time with smile and soft reply - never say busy
5. Held her hand even whilst driving - she felt being attended to
6. Tell her she's your greatest love, constantly - She felt her values
7. Spend a lot of time with her be it just watching TV - She felt your love
8. Give her compliments - She felt being adored

Above-all keep them in stable environment, they felt secure and able to grow along the way.

Essentially, there are no fix rules how to show love to your kids, but gather feedback from them from time to time. Above-all are feedback from her ^^.  

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