Thursday 9 February 2012

Time is a constraint for Single Mother?

Since I took on the path of Single Mother, my time was always limited. I came home, shower, cooking, dinner, laundry, cleaning, working on the new place then open my laptop and start working again whilst she watching TV or Reading. Sometime I story her to sleep, other time she fell asleep by herself - on the couch. There are times, when I get emotional however work swoop me with no luxury time to grieve, I clear my throat and continue working till late nite. The next day early morning I prepare her breakfast and see her to school bus.

This has been my routine. It has been my sacrifice for our future. I do broke down at times by leading a strenuous life like this, seeing her being unattended and careless (single mama hasn't been transformed ^^). Some times she became emotional and craving for her father (the father never call). I'll put my work aside and give her a short moment of cuddling and comfort then continute to work again. My work can never finish and my time was always limited.

One day she walk to my work place, " Mommy, why are you so busy?". She pout with tears lingering

"Darling, mommy got lot of work to do". I was baffled while looking at the computer screen

" But I want you to sit with me!!". She must have been feeling unattended all these while later she broke into tears.

What have you been doing these past months? I smack my head hard. I felt heart broken, I told myself I won't let her down any second from there on. I was being off balance at one side of my life - work but afterall her happiness is what I'm working hard for. I'd neglected her.
However with so many things in hand - Child care, Personal Care, Work, House chore, New Place, what should I do? Essentially everything evole around your are important but I start prioritize things:

1. Child
2. Work
3. Myself & others

What's more, I cleared my clogging mind from all these miserable thoughts, kept my grievance aside, stay focus on my work. I don't bring work back home anymore and I realize, after prioritize things I do have a lot of time for her!!!

I begin spending quality time with her, watch her favorite TV program, ask about her school, play & fun with her. I begin to apply the Single Mama l spirit every single day. I show her my unconditional loves and we developed a very strong bond from there on. She transformed from a traumatize child to less, from less to a happy child then a happy child led to a happy single parent. She offered in helping house chores to my surprises ^^.

This transformation injected new catalyst in my life -  Personal development. There go the Single Mama ll.

So single mama's time is a constraint? It depends. Long ago someone told me " open one drawer at a time, you'll be fine". Easier said than done, how to juggles with so many things in hand?  Essentially I didn't think it was the right time to enter into any relationship thus  I'm able to give 100% of my time to her. Anyways, this is another topic by itself, I'll cover dating in my next posts.

So in a nutshell, what should a single mother should do?

1. Prioritization. Prioritize your life beb ^.^. What's the first thing come in your mind? You or Child, money or work. Will you happy when you child isn't?

2. Time Management. Essentially everything is important but what's more crucial? Work on the crucial one first or spend more time on that aspect.

3. Determination. Stay focus once you had identify the crucial aspect, zoom in and make it happened 

4. Be positive. Every coin has two faces so does every incident, take note on the negative impact but have faith in the positivity.

5. Have faith. Positivities bring enormous energy to faith. You never know what fate will lead you on, so have faith in decisions you make.

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